Ensuring our customers are happy with our services and products is at the forefront of everything we do. However, if for any reason you have experienced an instance where you have been less than satisfied and wish to make a complaint, we have made this process as simple and efficient as possible for you, which is why we please ask that you email us directly via our dedicated complaints inbox:
We will then send you a holding email and work to resolve your complaint within 28 working days of its receipt.
If you’d prefer to send your complaint via post, please see our address below:
Customer Care, Enreach, Communications House, Hadley Park, Telford, TF1 6QJ.
Enreach is a member of the Ombudsman Services: Communications ADR Scheme. For more information, contact details and relevant links, please click here. You have the option to refer your complaint to the ADR scheme after eight weeks or if you have been issued with a deadlock letter.